About C. J. Cherryh: Carolyn Janice Cherry was born on September 1st 1942. She has written more then 60 science fiction and fantasy novels. And has received the Hugo award for many of her novels.
About The pride of Chanur: This is the first of the four book series. The others that follow are Chanur's Venture, The Kif strike back, Chanur's homecoming, and Chanur's legacy. In 200 the books were put into a all in one series volume. Two volumes were made. One called the Chanur saga and the other Chanur's endgame published in 2007.

About the story: The Pride of Chanur takes place on board a ship called The Pride. It's crew is a race of wild cat creatures known as Hani. Captain, Pyanfar Chanur discovers an alien like creature of which she has never seen before. Her first instinct is to protect her crew from this alien creature. Little does she know, she'll be thrown into a battle with her most hated species; The Kif. Pyanfar now realizes that the alien creature must be protected. The Kif must not get their hands on him or the knowledge he holds.
The review: After reading this book I can say that it was very
entertaining. This book will grab you and won't let you go until the last
page. The books are fairly short being only 228 pages long for the first one, 672 pages for the entire first three novels. Out of 5 stars I gave this book a 4. Here's where you can purchase this book:
(I do not own these images. Images are courtesy of Google images.)
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